4. Control Flow Analysis: A Technique


Our intermediate representation defined,=>(原因・結果) we can now proceed
to develop a technique for deriving the control flow information
present in a Scheme program. **==The solution== to the dilemma of
section 1 is to use a flow technique which will "bootstrap" the
control flow graph into being.** ==As== is typical in flow analysis
problems, our solution may err, as long as it errs conservatively.
That is, it may introduce spurious edges into the control
flow graph, but may not leave out edges representing transfers
of control that could actually occur during execution of the

once we determine the control flow graph for the Lisp function, we can then use it to do other

** The ==intuition==(実際はどう?) is that once we determine the control flow graph
for the Lisp function, we can ==then== use it to do other, standard
data flow analyses.** We refer to the problem of determining
the control flow graph for the purposes of subsequent data flow
analysis as control frow analysis**. (This intuition will only be
partially borne out. The limitations of control flow analysis
will be discussed in section 8.)