Entries from 2013-12-01 to 1 month
I don't want to seem stupid. You gotta help me out! I don't wanna get involved in you guy's relationships.
What do you know! (こいつは驚いた) But that doesn't change the fact that ... I think it's a great place to work.
Here is my gift certificate. Please have a seat. Is there someone who can fill in for me?
「言語処理系作った」→「はぁ」「OS作った」→「はぁ」「iPhoneアプリ作った」→「わぁすごーい!!」「すごーい!」キャーキャー!2013-12-02 15:17:16 via Twitter for iPhone
Friends のディクテーションをして覚えようと思ったフレーズをここに書いていく。(じゃないと続かなそうなので) I've been crazed all day. I'm so excited to be here. I can't wait start exploring the city. That would be so fun.