23. AVL tree - WebKit porting to Mona OS

Finally stack trace problem was fixed by writing AVL tree. We also expanded kernel heap region to store huge map file.
We get a correct stack trace.

Killed MLAUNCH.EXE (thread 0th)

Access denied

Stack trace:
1. (a2a26f51) PROVIDE (etext, .): 0x8 /Users/taro/mona/lib/libmonapi-imp.a(d000527.o) 
2. (a2a04653) PROVIDE (etext, .): 0x8 /Users/taro/mona/lib/libmonapi-imp.a(d000527.o) 
3. (a2a04d33) PROVIDE (etext, .): 0x8 /Users/taro/mona/lib/libmonapi-imp.a(d000527.o) 
4. (a0ab2365) WTFReportAssertionFailure: 0x3d0 /Users/taro/mona/lib/libjscore.a(Assertions.o) 
5. (a2a1700e) PROVIDE (etext, .): 0x8 /Users/taro/mona/lib/libmonapi-imp.a(d000527.o) 

eax : 00000000 ebx : a2a0f000 ecx : ffffffff edx : 0000000c
esp : effffd14 ebp : effffd18 esi : effffefc edi : 0000000c
cs : 0000002b ds : 00000033 ss : 0000003b cr3 : 00348000