やっと BRANCH が動いた - Jit

Fixnum の範囲でしか動かない。Bignum になると SIGTRAP 。

(define (BRANCH_NOT_LT label)
  (let ([label1 (gensym)]
        [label2 (gensym)])
  `((movq rax ,(vm-register 'sp)) ; rax = sp
    (leaq rdx (& rax -8))         ; rdx = sp - 8
    (movq rdx ,(vm-register 'sp)) ; sp = sp - 8
    (movq rdx (& rax -8))         ; rax = *sp
    (movl eax edx)                ; eax = (32bit)(rdx)
    (andl eax 3)                  ; n.isFixnum
    (subb al 1)                   ;
    (je ,label1)                  ;
    ;; ToDo : not Fixnum case here
    (label ,label2)                  ; ac or n is not fixnum case
    (label ,label1)
    (movq rcx ,(vm-register 'ac)) ; rcx = ac
    (movl eax ecx)                ; eax = (32bit)(rcx)
    (andl eax 3)                  ; ac.isFixnum
    (subb al 1)
    (jne ,label2)
    (sarq rdx 2)                  ; rdx.toFixnum()
    (sarq rcx 2)                   ; rcx.toFixnum()
    (movq rax ,(get-c-address 'Object::False)) ; eax = pointer to False
    (cmpq rdx rcx)                ; lt condition?
    (movq rdx ,(get-c-address 'Object::True)) ; edx = pointer to True
    (cmovl rax rdx)               ; if condition? then rax = rdx
    (movq rax (& rax))             ; rax = True or False
;    ,(DEBUGGER)
    (movq ,(vm-register 'ac) rax)
    (cmpq ,(vm-register 'ac) 86)  ; ac.isFalse()
    (je ,label))))